How to Create a Well-Planned Board Meeting Agenda

A board meeting agenda is a guideline that sets the tone and format for discussions during your board meetings. A well-planned agenda for meetings can help you avoid common pitfalls that can lead to poor decision-making and reduce productivity.

The first item in the agenda of a meeting of the board should be «Calling to Order and Time». The chairperson will call the board to start the meeting and introduce new members, or make other opening remarks. It is also a moment to discuss any modifications to the agenda, and also to accept the minutes of previous meetings.

Each item on the agenda for the board meeting should contain a brief description of what is expected during the discussion, as well as a summary of any supporting materials. This information is essential to be included ahead of time during the meeting and ensures all attendees have access to essential background information. It also keeps discussions focused and productive.

It is crucial to prioritize your agenda topics based on their importance and urgency as well as aligned with your strategic goals. This will save you time by not wasting it on topics that aren’t significant or have no impact. If you have too many agenda items you need to address in one meeting, think about scheduling follow-up sessions or transferring these to committees with specialized expertise to conduct a more thorough investigation.

The last thing to do is give realistic timeframes to every item on the agenda. This will prevent discussions from running over the time limit and will allow you to end your meeting at the right time. It is important to remember that these times are just guidelines, and that it’s acceptable to modify them if necessary during the meeting. You might want to give more time to your board next time they have a lot of questions on specific topics.