Making Online Board Meetings Productive

Online board meetings are a great method of bringing your Board together, without the constraints of space, time and travel. There are challenges to making these meetings as productive as is possible. This article will provide suggestions to make your online board meetings as productive as you can. Keeping everyone engaged. Board members who are … Leer más

Virtual Technology Review

Virtual technology review is the ability to interact and see a digitally replicated environment or object that mimics a real-world experience for the user. This kind of technology is used in a variety of fields including engineering, education and medicine. There are two kinds of VR: fully immersive and semi-immersive. Semi-immersive VR is accessed through … Leer más

What Are Data Systems?

Data systems are the system that collects, stores and provides access to data that is used by organizations. Data systems can include the database system (DBMS) warehouses, specialized platforms like NoSQL databases and alternative storage methods for data like cloud object services. They could also include master data management, which creates an organization’s common set … Leer más

How to Choose the Right Dataroom Software for Your Needs

Dataroom software is used to securely store and share documents and files with multiple parties. It is commonly deployed to support due diligence during M&A and debt syndications as well as licensing venture capital, private equity transactions. It is also used by lawyers, accountants and tax professionals, real estate agents, and agencies. Its key features … Leer más